A degree of ease, knowledge, fun.
An app for the curious, with the goal of sharing knowledge bites in the form of video clips. These lessons are grouped by playlists where the user can pick a field of interest and be surprised with curated and entertaining content.
The interface aim was to ease the access to the videos and facilitate the main objective of the app: To communicate science and math playfully, like in the old good times, when knowledge was passed thought stories.
Tools in this project: Sketch
Quotient lesson app
Category: Ui, Ux
The challenge
Making sense of the chaos, clearing out the noise or unnecessary elements that were brainstormed (for functionality) and organizing them into groups that conveyed meaning, as well as adding hierarchy in terms of screen real-estate.
The solution
Once the exercise of organizing the functionality, information and interactive components was made, the objective of the interface was quite simple to add style without robbing attention from the object’s purpose, while keeping a relaxed yet engaging palette of blues and greens.