Health Flowcharts
Category: Ui, Ux
Visualizing Processes
Modeling a process can sound really abstract, and for most people is, yet when pitching an idea or an update, is really useful to guide the client and help them understand visually how small changes can impact an existing layout or to integrate information seamlessly.
This is what we accomplished on this project, an existing Health built campaign for a known medical company that needed to incorporate an additional audience (Diagnosed people) into their website.
Tools in this project : Figma
The challenge
The client was initially puzzled on how to merge two paths (Diagnosis and prevention) given the initial state of the site was created based on a “Proactive” approach. The language used was really specific for one particular public and there was the concern of information overburden and breaking the site current structure.
The solution
Two ideas were born. Each one represented as a flowchart plus a wireframe.
The creation of a broad concept helped us in communicating (visually) the user’s potential paths in a clear, more digestible form. Diagrams in this case, conveyed the nuances of the new structure and initiate valuable conversations with the client.
Bangalore illustration set (Used on this project’s thumbnail) was provided by under CC 4.0 / Edited from original.