This series of animations was created for a development department that had the ambitions idea of creating a briefing tool. The concept behind them was to show “the process” and serve as an illustrator for more complex ideas.

Tools in this project: Adobe Aftereffects, Illustrator.

Illustrating the process

Category: Animation, Illustration.

The challenge

Development terms tend to be quite technical, and the introduction to the brief was a great opportunity to explain ideas and concepts both with words an images. The initial illustrations did the great job of softening the technical language yet they were lacking the depth needed.

Adding animations to support a narrative.

Giving movement to the images, and creating a story helped the site feel more alive and the concepts more accessible to other departments.

Complex ideas

The intention behind the graphics was to “show” our internal process and make it friendlier, so the user could identify with the “why” we needed the information requested, and visualize the perks of working with us at the same time. 

The solution

Animating the images, and creating a story about the step of the process help the site feel more alive and the concepts more accessible to other departments.


Art school wires (Ux, wires)


A brief case for animation (Animation)